NoteZilla Help

Command Line Parameters

Command line parameters are very useful when you want to perform an action using shortcut files. You can create shortcut files on your Windows Desktop, Windows start menu or in the Quick Launch toolbar to execute the following actions.

Note that when creating shortcut files, you must specify the complete address of NoteZilla.exe. Example: C:\Program Files\Conceptworld\NoteZilla\NoteZilla.exe /CreateNewNote

Command Line


NoteZilla.exe /CreateNewNote

Creates new note

NoteZilla.exe /BringNotesOnTop

Brings desktop notes on top of other windows

NoteZilla.exe /ShowAllNotes

Unhides all desktop notes

NoteZilla.exe /HideAllNotes

Hides desktop notes

NoteZilla.exe /ShowNotesBrowser

Shows the Notes Browser

NoteZilla.exe /ShutDown

Exits NoteZilla

NoteZilla.exe /CompressDatabase

Compresses NoteZilla Notes database